I was talking with some friends recently about how little we know about COVID-19, future school plans, and what our summer break will look like. In discussing all of these topics, we concluded that we did not know much of anything. We agreed that there is one constant right now: an inability to make plans more than a week out and being in a space of unknown. For most of us, this is a pretty uncomfortable place to be in. At home, we talk almost daily about whether we go on our planned trip to the UK to see our family; let’s see what happens!
For me, I have found that creating times to talk with my friends either on Zoom or sitting 6 feet apart in our backyard has been one of the best ways for me to get support. Having my daily routine of walking or biking first thing in the morning has given me a solid consistent start to my days. Also having some quiet time to meditate, and practicing my ground and fill have been very important. I have really enjoyed doing more facilitated distance healing sessions and have seen some amazing results. I am preparing to assist Suzanne and Lori for the third time in their class “The 5 Pillars of Facilitating Distance Healing” beginning on June 1. I feel like I have been doing an intensive up-leveling of my skills while also nurturing myself.

For a few years now, I have been following David Romanelli’s daily meditation after he gifted everyone on the Choose Love team the series. He is a talented storyteller and leads us into a much needed quiet contemplation time. He has a free offering called Calm Minds For Anxious Times for anyone who would like to experience this. David recently had a facilitated distance healing session with me after his 3-year-old daughter was diagnosed with leukemia. He talked about his session in his current series, Trust your Journey, last week. He shared how afterward, when he was swimming in their pool with his son, he remembered how to feel into the back of his heart and as he did that a hummingbird came up and hovered around them, mesmerizing them both.
I am hoping that you are finding ways to adapt and thrive in this ever-changing landscape and getting to slow down time so that you can appreciate the specialness of a hummingbird hovering right in front of you!