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Writer's pictureKate Mackinnon

Jumping in

This September, my theme has been about embracing new routines and situations for my family. We’ve had to jump into experiences where we are feeling nervous due to lots of unknowns, particularly for my teenagers. From my perspective, I would say that it doesn’t get easier, but it does begin to feel more familiar and I'm trusting the process more – most of the time!

I shared with the teenagers that I was given an invaluable mantra from a wise mentor of mine. “Accelerate towards embarrassment” is the mantra. They didn’t really like hearing that! However, I have found it very useful many times.

I remembered this saying when I was a first-time therapist on an intensive treatment program at the Upledger Institute. I knew that I would be working with a team of three therapists, guided by a coordinating lead therapist, every day for five consecutive days. Lots of fears came through my head, like not knowing if I was good enough; I was nervous about what other therapists thought about my work, and I didn’t want to upset the lead therapist… on and on went my thoughts. Using my motto, I showed up at the Upledger Institute in Florida for the therapist meeting the day before the program began. I was greeted by many familiar and new friendly faces. I loved the whole experience, both with excitement and nervousness. Clinically, it was invaluable to work alongside so many talented and experienced therapists. What has kept me returning to these programs is the joy of witnessing the transformation in the clients. I will be participating again on Oct. 11 in Florida. For any therapists reading this, there are spots available for you! I hope you can join me. Please email me if you have any questions and/or let me know if you will be there.

I felt very fortunate when we first went into lockdown and we could not see people in person that I was able to quickly adapt and move my clients to distance healing sessions. It was an invitation to my clients to take a leap of faith and change the way we worked together. Each time I have tried something different I have enjoyed discovering new aspects of myself. This was the case when, many years ago, I did my training with my dear friend and mentor, Suzanne Scurlock. Here is her invitation to try an all-new FREE training: “The 5 Turning Points in a Distance Healing Session That Keep Clients & Income Flowing In!” It’s online tomorrow … on Wednesday, Sept. 29 at 12 pm Eastern!

In my most recent Medium blog, I described how I jumped into a new experience of going to the Bahamas to attend a class that included working with dolphins. It’s interesting to me that even though I really wanted to have that experience, I still found all sorts of excuses not to go because of the discomfort of the unknown. I hope that it’s not only me who does this!

We had a wonderful experience on Zoom with a Guided Exploration of your Health and Wellness last Friday. I will be holding this free group experience again on Nov. 5 and Dec. 3. On Jan. 7, I will be leading an intimate group of 8 people for 3 months. You read more about it here and you can sign up here. I look forward to jumping in with you and supporting you with your next steps of health and wellness.

Let me know what new experiences you have been stepping into.


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