I really don’t know where to start with my letter to you. My whole heart is so filled with gratitude from all the amazing experiences I have had with you and with everything have you taught me.
From the time I heard that you had passed over to the other side, I have had so many memories come back to me since I met you in February 2010. I will always remember the greeting you gave me when I first met you.
“I have had CranioSacral Therapy a few times before and I didn’t feel anything!”
I was nervous about flying out to Maui to treat you for a few days already and now I was really worried!! But it was different when we worked together as you went into a profound state of relaxation and felt a lot! It was a highlight to treat you in the ocean along side the dolphins and whales. What a ride it was from that point on.

After you asked me to go on the tour you were leading in Europe, "Experiencing the Miraculous", the trip was a life changer. It was on this trip many opportunities were presented to me. Not only did I speak on stage with you for the very first time in a special Assisi chapel, I was also asked to treat both Louise Hay and Reid Tracy. And, it was at that time I was asked to write a book! I felt like my life had a done a back flip. You just looked at me as if to say, “Of course you can do it!’ When you presented me with the very first copy of my book,“From My Hands and Heart”, it was such a special moment I’ll always treasure.
Over the next five years, I treated you so many times I feel like I got to know you on this whole other non-verbal level. As I look back on the last time I worked with you in June of this year, you were in the best shape I think I had seen you in. I can now understand how you were preparing to shed your body and all of its aches and pains with ease and grace. You had lived a life in the absolute fullest way possible – no holes barred and not afraid to learn from messy life situations. I observed you prepare and take the best care possible of your audiences, and indeed, of anyone you met.
You told me that you loved our little adventures in all the different places we would meet. If there was a pool at the hotel, we would swim at the crack of dawn because you didn’t waste a minute of your day. I remember swimming with you in Las Vegas at the outdoor pool of the Parisian Hotel in freezing cold weather – we were the only people insane enough to swim there!

I will miss our phone conversations - being advised of what book to read next, listening to you on stage and discussing the deeper meaning of life -- plus your crazy humor! I know you have prepared us well for your transition, and I’m excited for you. I’m sure it is all that you expected and more. Thank you for including me in your circle of friends. I am forever thankful for every experience I had and will have.
Love, Kate xx